Sebe completes a first building

Sebe is not what you call a dynamic village.  This building with 2 classrooms and a staff room was a project from 2016. It took them more than 2 years to complete something what could have been done in 3 to 4 months. We made them clear we were not pleased at all.  After all, why would we care about their children if they don't care themselves?

With this new building, they have all the classrooms and offices, this school of circa 360 pupils needs.  However their other 4 existing buildings do need a good renovation. So we agreed with them to plan the first 2 buildings for 2019 and the other two for 2020.  If we can add to one of those 4 buildings an extra room for library/computer class, we will do that as well.

During the handover ceremony we could enjoy nice songs, the children wrote for the occasion.  Also traditional dancing was performed.  We gave them some balls for the school teams.  They gave me the attributes of a mwaka (chief) and I also received a chicken and green bananas. So, after the ribbon cutting, we could leave with full hands.

Fons Maex