Mabunga picked up the work again and completed their second building

For one and a half year, nothing happened anymore after the first handover. The masons claimed that 700,000 TZS of salaries were not paid and refused to start working at the second building. But in April of this year they started again and did a nice job in less than 3 months time.

We told them that we were not very happy as there is still a lot of work to do before their 650 pupils will have decent classrooms. So we gave them a choice: they will clean up the other 2 buildings as well in 2018. If they do that, we will reward them with a new 4-classroom building in 2019. The other option is that we don't do anything anymore in this village and spend our money in more cooperative communities.  The choice was quickly made!  Works will start in the next 2-3 weeks.

Fons Maex